Festive Frosts on TV

Christmas is a key season for garden centres like Frosts. In addition to the traditional horticulture, their operations feature restaurants, farm shops, Christmas trees and decorations, and gifts sections, as well as Santa's grottos and other attractions for the children, all of which carry a 'sell by' date.

How best to raise awareness and describe all the facilities on offer over an intense six week period, when potential customers are extremely busy?

Our task was to maximise traffic and sales across Frosts four sites during the pre-festive period. Our marketing plans included producing videos that we could show on TV and elsewhere, which could be tailored to feature the services and attractions that were available at each site.

This was achieved by using a clever advent calendar device which allowed us to vary the video material shown behind each advent door as it was opened. The calendar also provided a theme for other marketing collateral and for in-store merchandising.

A storyboard and script was produced and approved by Clearcast, prior to a complex live action shoot at multiple locations. Then in post production, music and voice were added and multiple video edits provided the variations required for each location and online media.

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  • ideas@murphyvarley.com