The fastest and most powerful way to engage customers

Today, everyone carries their own video player. Production costs may have been slashed but carefully created content is still essential to position your brand effectively. Every business can now gain traction using the power of video, from silent social movies on mobile to full blown productions on the big screen.

A tried and tested way to grow your business and get the best ROI

To attract attention and put your brand on the map, nothing beats TV. We all love it. From 'I'm a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!' to the 'Great British Bake Off', TV grabs the attention of friends and family, watching big events and everyday programmes, on linear or catch up TV.

TV is tried and tested, building brands and providing the trust so elusive in today’s media landscape. Addressable TV technology reaches inaccessible audiences through connected screens using millions of different data points, making TV available to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

TV delivers, with millions of people watching, ready to go online and engage with your brand, to generate sales, protect market share or simply create awareness.

On TV; you can enjoy a solus position, on large HD screens, using creative treatments that entertain, in a shared viewing environment, alongside quality content, within trusted programmes, with robust audience measurement of humans - not robots!

TV is the most talked about medium with more written about it than any other, with dozens of shows, new and old, followed, reviewed and raved about every day.

‘As Seen on TV’ is still a position that brands aspire to. And now, with the ability to micro-manage targeting, Addressable TV gives you cost-effective access to a premium environment, knowing that you only pay for content that's been seen by your chosen audience. Today you can target individuals from around ½p each. Based on the average cost per 30 seconds, TV is still very good value compared to other forms of video. Broadcast linear TV is almost half the price of YouTube and 18 times cheaper than the average cost for other online video like Facebook and TikTok.

Most of our purchasing decisions take place subconsciously, up to 95% according to Professor Gerald Zaltman, Havard Business School. As most advertising is not done at the point of purchase, retaining a brand in the memory, and limiting its decay from memory is as crucial to impacting sales.

Memory retention from video advertising on a TV screen is so strong that it can deliver impact on sales up to 109 days after exposure*. Across all screen types the memory impact on sales of TV and BVOD advertising averages 55 days, and on Facebook and YouTube the average is 7 days*.

TV generates more active attention, however variances in attention are predominantly explained by screen coverage or visibility.

Creative thinking...

Creativity is still the magical ingredient. It makes your brand famous, gets it talked about and boosts your campaign’s effectiveness.

Emotions and other creative elements will add to the impact.

Recent research from Australia using eye-tracking software backs up the claim that where advertising involves more senses and exposes the viewer to an emotional experience, then a more effective reaction is evoked leading to better and longer recall.

Ads that get strong reactions get 16% more attention.**

Ads that get more attention generate over twice more sales impact.**

“What is clear, is that emotional campaigns are considerably more effective, and in particular more profitable, than rational campaigns.”*** Research shows up to 10% more profitable.***

And we're here to help!

We provide planning and buying expertise for optimum targeting and value, together with the creative and production experience to ensure your message is communicated effectively, delivering maximum return on your investment, and with a delivery target guaranteed, totally risk-free.

Our creative solution will emotionally engage your audience, making it memorable, motivating, interesting and relevant.

We'll provide you with a bespoke plan, personalised and tailored to fit your brand and budget!

For 35 years we've been helping partners of all shapes and sizes.

Why not give us a call to find out more.

*Source: ThinkTV: Benchmark Series: Viewability 2017.

**Source: ThinkTV: Benchmark Series: Emotions & Advertising 2017.

***Source: Binet, L. & Field, P. (2013) The Long and the Short of It. IPA.

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